onsdag den 28. november 2012

How to: Fill a Zippo lighter up a with lighter fluid - with pictures

First, you wanna have your empty Zippo lighter and some lighter fluid. Zippo makes lighter fluid too, I recommend that. You can buy lighter fluid in most stores near you.

 Now, you want to open the lid on the lighter. Simply pull the two pieces apart, like shown on the pictures.

  In the bottom of the inner piece of the ligther, you find a screw (for the lighter-stone) and some fabric. In the end (opposite of the screw), carefully lift the fabric, and under the fabric-lid you find some wool-kinda-fabric. That's where you want to pour the lighter fluid.
 You want to fill the lighter until you can see it starts soaking. If it drips from the sting, it doesn't really matter. The only thing that will happen, is you hear some sparkling sounds when you ignite it the first times. But if you see it is dripping, you know when to stop.

Now it is time to put the two pieces back together. Make sure the fabric-lid in pushed back in. And remember to put it down right, otherwise the cap will not be able to close.

Close the cap, and open it again. Try to ignite the Zippo lighter. Should be working just fine if you followed the steps. Great success!

lørdag den 28. juli 2012

Skateboarding basics

First, you wanna know what a skateboard is. That is basic knowledge. You can get a skateboard-setup in many shapes, colors, thicknesses and weights. You just need to find your personal board, but that comes with the time.

The deck, is the long piece of wood you stand on when you're rolling down the streets. They have many shapes. When you're looking for a board, they can be 7.5" or up to 8.3" wide. Of course, the wider, the heavier - in the shop, try and stand on the deck, even if they do not have wheels on them yet, just to get a feeling between your foot-length and the board.

The griptape, is the black (you can get the griptape in many colors, but black is standard) sandpaper that you glue on the top of the deck, to be more solid standing on the board. It is also very important when you are making tricks like kickflip and heelflip. You can get the griptape in many different varies, some of them have very small holes in it to prevent bubbles under the griptape. Griptape is a little tricky to attach, but I'm sure the guy in the shop will do it for you, when you buy a new deck. In most shops, you get the griptape for free, when you buy a new deck.

The bolts, is the screws that you use to hold the deck and the trucks together. Can also be in many different colors.

The trucks, is the piece of metal, that is attached under the deck and holds the wheels. You can get them in many different models, colors, shapes and weights. Some like them very wide, some like them thin. There is two pieces of metal in the truck. The two pieces is held together by a long, thick screw called a kingpin. The kingpin is primary used to adjust the "hardness" of the truck - how much weight you have to use when tilting the board to turn. You also use the truck to grind on :)

The wheels, is attached on the trucks and have small bearings in them. You can get them in many different colors, weights and shapes. Some wheels are wider than others.

The bearings, is some small rings that makes the wheels spin. The bearings is attached between the wheel and the truck. The "spin-time" can vary very much from model to model.